“Bloom makes a culture rock and roll as he blows away past myths, present cul-de-sacs, and future blind alleys. If the safest place in any crisis is always the hard truth, Bloom doesn’t hesitate to tell us what’s real, what works, and how we can escape the mess we are in. Pay heed!”
Is global capitalism on its last legs? Is the era of American leadership over? Has the West begun a decline into a new Dark Age? Does American civilization deserve to survive? These are the unnerving questions raised by the Great Crash of 2009. This book presents a radically new answer, insisting that global society has only begun to realize its full potential. There’s a hidden mandate beneath the surface of capitalism: “It’s struggling to whisper and rumble its message to you and me. That hidden imperative can lift us from economic crisis, can make us a leader in the next-generation economy, and can dramatically upgrade our ability to empower our fellow human beings.”
The Young Turks December 2009 A Radical Revision Of Capitalism? Author Howard Bloom Joins Cenk Uygur to discuss it.
Rob McConnell Interview 2017 : Howard Bloom – The Genius of the Beast