Howard Bloom has touched many lives throughout his time on this planet. Many of those lucky enough to meet Howard walk away raving about the experience. Read below to see just a few testimonials to the powerful presence of Howard Bloom.
“I know a lot of people. A lot. And I ask a lot of prying questions. But I’ve never run into a more intriguing biography than Howard Bloom’s in all my born days. What’s so striking, besides the you-gotta-be-kidding details, is the coherence of the narrative — the arc that still has Bloom thinking and striving with regard to space, science, transcendence, and simple clarity, 55 years later. Sweet.”
Paul Solman, Business and Economics Correspondent, PBS NewsHour (2005)
Paul Solman, Business and Economics Correspondent, PBS NewsHour (2005)
“I’ve now read your compelling, innovative, scientific, bold and blatantly honest book, Einstein, Michael Jackson & Me. How fortunate for the many unique and amazing musicians/bands that you helped catapult to mega stardom. Your brilliant insight into soul, use of the gods inside, and passion points is pure genius. The fierce loyalty to your artists and tenacious work ethic are reflected throughout the Howard Bloom Organization Ltd. I learned much, and am honored to have taken the time to savor this masterpiece!”
Kathy Bushnell, co-founder of the first female rock duo in Britain, Emily Muff (’68-’72) and author of “Em and Moo: Legacy of a ’60s Female Rock Duo”
Kathy Bushnell, co-founder of the first female rock duo in Britain, Emily Muff (’68-’72) and author of “Em and Moo: Legacy of a ’60s Female Rock Duo”
“One of the most exciting books of the last years. Howard Bloom is able to grab me by the balls, the heart, mind, underbelly and the brain at once. To pierce my soul and my rationality in one single move. Is there anything in world literature that breathes the same fire and light as Blooms daring adventures? The biggest SOUL with cognitive punching power on the planet.”
Albert Klamt on Einstein, Michael Jackson and Me
Albert Klamt on Einstein, Michael Jackson and Me
“Bloom has created a new Scientific Paradigm. He explains in vast and compelling terms why we should forget all we know in complicated modern math and should start from the very beginning. Bloom’s Grand Unified Theory opens a window into entire systems we don’t yet know and/or see, new collectivities that live, love, battle, win and lose each day of our gray lives. I never imagined that a new system of thought could produce so much light.”
Pavel Kurakin of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Science
“I have finished Howard Bloom’s books, The Lucifer Principle and Global Brain, in that order, and am seriously awed, near overwhelmed by the magnitude of what he has done. I never expected to see, in any form, from any sector, such an accomplishment. I doubt there is a stronger intellect than Bloom’s on the planet.”
Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of Evolution’s End and The Crack in the Cosmic Egg.