The Lucifer Principle is a revolutionary work that explores the intricate relationships among genetics, human behavior, and culture to put forth the thesis that “evil” is a by-product of nature’s strategies for creation and that it is woven into our most basic biological fabric.

Readers will be mesmerized by the mirror Bloom holds to the human condition, and dumbfounded by the fusillade of eclectic data that arrives with the swiftness and intensity of a furious tennis volley. His style is effortless, engaging, witty and brisk…. He draws on a dozen years of research into a jungle of scholarly fields…and meticulously supports every bit of information….”

Washington Post

Materials & Secondary Sources

Wikipidia Article | Buy it on Amazon | Check it out on Goodreads | The Lucifer Principle Powerpoint on Google Docs

Lucifer Principle Audiobook read by Martin Hillgartner

(Parts 7-11 can be found here.)

Outdoor Philosophy addressing the secular and philosophical aspects of the book.

Lucifer Principle Discussion on Agile Uprising