The Howard Bloom Institute
The Howard Bloom Institute’s Mission Statement
The mission of The Howard Bloom Institute is to upgrade, uplift, and empower humanity. HBI aims to accomplish this through the promotion of the work and ideas of Howard Bloom. Ideas that offer a new perceptual lens through which to see everything inside you and everything around you in whole new ways.
HBI conducts itself according to Howard Bloom’s two rules to live by:
- The truth at any price, including the price of your life.
- Look at the things right under your nose as if you’ve never seen them before, then proceed from there.
Want to change the way you perceive the world around you? From politics to protons? From depression and elation to bacterial social relations? From black holes to the darkest depths of the human psyche? Then HBI is the place for you.
HBI’s Statement on DE&I (Strategic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
Diversity of knowledge is at the core of Omnology, and we at HBI know that the source
of that knowledge – those big brains yearning to bloom – come from all sorts of individuals.
We acknowledge there is a lack of diversity, a lack of representation of minorities and of
underrepresented peoples within the STEM fields.
With more diversity will come more knowledge, more perspectives, and more ways of seeing.
Understanding is our goal, and the more brains that operate at their full capacity, the more
insights there will be.
We want to bring DE&I into the STEM fields. To do it, we will initiate community youth
outreach centers around Omnology, the field that encourages you to follow all your curiosities simultaneously.
We would be absolutely ecstatic to have others who are just as interested in Omnology, Saving Western Civilization, Space, Science, and more to get involved with the institute and the many projects we are currently stirring up. If this is something that interests you, and you would like to contribute, or be apart of the institute in some way? No matter your preference level of involvement, you would be a true joy! Here are the first few things you can do!
- Explore the website, the blog, and the loads of information we have to offer, and sign up for our newsletter, located on the homepage.
- Would you like to write an article for the blog of any topic that interest you? We only ask you tie it back to Omnology.
- We have weekly meetings every Tuesday at 8pm EST. If you would be interested to have a more in-depth discussion of your possible contributions to the institute, we would be happy for you to join! Contact Us for more information.